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What sets residential and commercial construction apart?

By 20/09/2019June 13th, 2023No Comments

Every structure requires solid foundations at its base, regardless of its size. Here at Rhinopiling we understand the necessity of quality piling and underpinning for constructions of all shapes and sizes – from small housing projects to the biggest skyscraper constructions – all need piling to ensure stable foundations, or risk building upon unstable ground with potentially life-threatening results.

Let’s take a look at the main differences between residential and commercial constructions:

  1. Materials

It isn’t just the amount of materials required for residential and commercial projects that are the biggest difference. It is also the materials themselves that differ. Most commercial structures are of a size that only strong steel frames are able to withstand the heavy weights of the final building whilst residential properties can rely on timber frames.

Steel and timber require different piling solutions in order to withstand the different weight loads and both will result in varying costs; steel is expensive and can be justified by big commercial builders whilst small scale projects require more affordable materials.

  1. Use

Commercial construction usually covers offices, industrial facilities and other large-scale establishments. Residential construction, on the other hand, are smaller in scale and usually consists of apartments and houses. Both projects will be ordered and instructed from different areas; residential will be instructed by property owners or tenants with one point of contact whilst commercial construction will come from business decisions who liaise with multiple people or a board of stakeholders.

  1. Equipment

Commercial developments are of a much larger scale than residential. This results in the necessity of much larger scale equipment. Typically, commercial properties require high-powered machinery, large cranes and other lifting equipment as well as more specialist equipment whilst residential projects require much less extensive machinery. Most commercial properties can afford to use more specialist equipment due to higher budgets. Residential properties could benefit from these specialist tools, although they require trained personnel to operate which tends to put them outside of most residential budgets.

If you require piling in Manchester, contact the team at Rhino Piling today for a full quotation.