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How to Prevent Subsidence

By 10/05/2021June 13th, 2023No Comments

The sudden sinking of soil located directly below a building that causes the structure to detach from itself is known as subsidence, and this foundational problem is thought to be almost every property owner’s worst nightmare. After all, it will gradually get worse if the issue is not rectified sooner rather than later and carrying out any foundational work at all can cost a pretty penny. Here at Rhino Piling, we want to help our readers avoid any subsidence related mishaps by explaining the steps that can be taken to prevent it in the first place. Read on to find out more…

Invest in a High-Quality Foundation

It often goes without saying, but the most effective way to prevent foundational issues like subsidence from wreaking havoc on your property is to invest in its foundation from the get-go. A high-quality deep foundation such as piling can provide foundational stability for a lifetime and the extra money is often well-spent when you weigh up the cost of subsidence repair work. Of course, not every property owner has the luxury of building from scratch! If you find yourself needing to improve existing foundations then always invest in high-quality approaches and work with a trusted company for the best results.

Be Vigilant

There are a number of different ways that subsidence can be spotted both inside and outside the home so you should always be on the lookout for any evidence that movement may be taking place. For example, the door frames and window frames may gradually warp and become harder to open/close or the wallpaper may begin to crinkle. These are two easy signs that often allow you to catch subsidence early in its tracks, however if you spot large, diagonal cracks in the brickwork then this often means that subsidence is quite severe so therefore can no longer be prevented.

Remove Nearby Trees

In a lot of subsidence situations, the problem is caused by moisture changes in the soil. After all, a sudden lack of moisture can cause certain soils to shrink and this removes the stability that a foundation needs to lay flat. Sometimes, this problem can be traced back to trees that are located too close to the property and are subsequently removing all the moisture out of the soil. To prevent this causing subsidence, it is often a sensible idea to remove troublesome trees.

Remember, the discovery of subsidence isn’t the end of the world! As long as you work with licenced and experienced foundational experts, such as ourselves, the problem can be rectified both quickly and economically. To speak to a member of the Rhino Piling team about tackling your subsidence worries and woes, get in contact with the best piling Manchester has to offer today.