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The Lowdown on Dynamic Load Testing

By 17/02/2021June 13th, 2023No Comments

A foundation is perhaps the most important part of a building as it must be able to support and bear a lot of weight throughout its lifespan and have the strength to withstand the impact of soil displacement or movement. Here at Rhino Piling, we are aware of the crucial role that a brand-new foundation plays which is why our experts take every precaution we can before we sign off on a project and consider it to be completed. Read on as we explain what is meant by the phase ‘dynamic load testing’…

What is it?

In layman’s terms, dynamic load testing is a method utilised within the installation of piling foundations and it is used in order to assess the load bearing capacity of each individual pile. It is done by applying a dynamic load to the head of a pile and recording its acceleration and strain. There are two different ways that dynamic load testing can be carried out depending on the material of the pile in question as concrete piles often have the test applied after installation whereas timber and steel piles can be assessed for load bearing either before or after they have been driven into the ground.

The Benefits

There is a distinct benefit of carrying out dynamic load testing and it is all down to safety. After all, the process ensures pile integrity and provides clarification that the piles are fit for their intended use – supporting the weight of a structure throughout its lifespan. Dynamic loading testing is relatively inexpensive too and only takes a very small amount of time to perform so there is very little risk of an entire project being delayed. As such, there is no reason why any piling company worth their salt would choose not to carry it out.

Although it is extremely likely that our clients won’t understand the ins and outs of the piling industry, we believe that it is important to simplify some of the jargon that we used. After all, every client wants to have even a basic understanding of the approach that a construction company is taking. Dynamic loading testing is an essential part of the piling process and should never be overlooked. To find out more information, get in contact with the best piling Manchester has to offer today!