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When is Mini Piling required?

By 25/10/2022June 28th, 2023No Comments

A foundation is a basic requirement for both new and existing buildings as they support the structure above and ensure that its weight is spread evenly across all of the pressure points. With this said, it is not uncommon for buildings to lack a suitable foundation and eventually require intervention from licenced experts like ourselves. Mini piling is a foundational solution that is implemented in certain situations, such as the ones listed below:

Restricted Headroom

Traditional piling requires the use of large machinery that cannot be utilised effectively on certain sites with restricted headroom. This is a stark difference to the more compact tools that are used to install mini piles and means that they can be installed with efficiency in some of the most difficult circumstances without affecting the quality and stability of the final result. This includes basements and even under bridges.

Low Vibrations

There is always a possibility that the vibrations caused by traditional piling may put nearby structures at risk which is why piling experts carry out an in-depth analysis on the proposed land prior to the start of any project. Mini piling is a suitable solution for these locations because it creates minimal vibrations and causes very little disturbance within the land. As a result, it is typically used in situations where foundational methods have to be installed with close proximity to other existing foundations and weak soil.

Existing Builds

Whilst every building should technically have a foundation installed at the very start of construction, some have very poorly installed foundations or simple lack one altogether. This can make traditional piling difficult, or even impossible, because the piling rigs are so large. Mini piling rigs are significantly smaller so they can be taken inside existing buildings and allow for equal distribution of high-quality piling foundations across all circumstances. This includes both residential and commercial applications.

Here at Rhino Piling, our team is fully accredited and has the expertise to assess your piling requirements in order to decide on the most appropriate approach. We will carry out an on-site evaluation prior to the commencement of your project and then confer with the contractors on our team and provide a plan of action going forwards. This ensures that approaches like mini piling are implemented where they are most effective. To find out more information, get in contact with the best piling company Manchester has to offer today!